
Objective: It allows user to view the meetings scheduled by him/her and take action against it if assigned to him/her in the system.


Image 1

  1. Login as “Initiator or Meeting Host” role who will conduct the meeting and go to Meeting | My Meeting screen.
  2. Click Edit button in Action column to edit/take action against a meeting schedule
  3. When Edit button in Action column is clicked “Meeting Details” screen will be opened (Image 2) with Report No. Where initiator or Meeting Host can take action

Image 1

  1. When Edit button in Action column is clicked “Meeting Details” screen will be opened (Image 2) with Report No. where initiator or Meeting Host can take action.
  2. Select “Is Attended ?” check box against a particular person if he/she attended the meeting.
  3. Select “Meeting Status” from drop down list as mentioned below:
    • In-Progress : Select In-Progress and click Submit button if meeting is in progress.
    • Postponed : Select Postponed and click Submit button if meeting is postponed. “Meeting Date & Time” must be changed if Postponed is selected.
    • Completed : Select Completed and click Submit button if meeting is completed.

Note :

  • The fields marked with * are mandatory to be filled.
  • Only meeting initiator or Meeting Host can take action.