Incident/Near Miss
Objective: To report any kind of Near Miss occur in plant during day-to-day activity. It allows user to create, review and approve/reject Near Miss in the system.
Below steps to be followed to complete a incident report:
- Report Near Miss : To create/report new Near Miss. Any employee whose has access to the system (Power user OR Public user) can report a Near Miss.
- Review Near Miss : To review the created near miss by Plant EHS Head / Plant EHS Manager / Plant EHS Team / OHC User.
- Identify investigation Team member : Identify investigation Team member by Plant EHS Head / Plant EHS Manager / Plant EHS Team / OHC User. Any user can be selected as Investigation Team member.
- Near Miss Investigation : Investigation will be done by any user who is selected as Investigation Team member. If “EHS Head” investigates the Near Miss then the report will go to “O & M Head” for review, otherwise the report will be reviewed by “Plant EHS Head” the goes to “O & M Head” upon acceptance.
- Review Near Miss Investigation by Plant EHS Head : If “EHS Head” is not part of investigation team then the report will be reviewed by “Plant EHS Head” first and then investigation report send for further approval of “O & M Head”.
- Review Near Miss Investigation by O&M Head : Once “Plant EHS Head” approve then investigation report should come for approval of “O & M Head”.
- Review Near Miss Investigation & Accept : “Plant Head” will review investigation report upon acceptance of “O & M Head”. if report is satisfactory then report can be closed otherwise the report will be sent to investigation team to revise.
Note :
- Any of the user from the Plant EHS Head / Plant EHS Manager / Plant EHS Team / OHC User” roles can review the Initial Near Miss Report
Figure 1
- Go to Incident/Near Miss | Report Near Miss screen.
- Enter the Plant, Function/ Sub-Function, Agency/ Sub-Agency, Location/ Sub-Location in auto complete text box. (Plant, Function/ Sub-Function, Agency/ Sub-Agency, Location/ Sub-Location will be displayed automatically when first 3 characters are typed)
- Click “Submit” button to save the data and send for review to “Plant EHS Head, Plant EHS Manager, Plant EHS Team, OHC User”.
Note :
- Near Miss can be reported by any employee working in plant.
- The fields marked with * are mandatory to be filled.
- Automatic notification alert will be triggered once Near Miss is reported.
- Plant will be populated automatically if the user belong to a particular plant, other wise user has to select plant from drop down list.