EHS Observation

Objective: It allows user to record EHS Observations done in site/plant in the system.

Below steps to be followed to complete a EHS Observation report:

  1. Report EHS Observation : To create new EHS Observation. Observation shall be done and reported by any Power users.
  2. Review EHS Observation :
    • “HOD” will review observations once it’s reported
    • If observation report is valid then “HOD” shall be able to edit observations details if needed and approve reported observation.
    • If observation not valid (i.e. duplicate observation reported), then “HOD” can discard those observations.

Note :

  • Any of the power can report can do EHS Observation


Image 1

  1. Go to EHS Observation | Report EHS Observation screen. (Image 1)
  2. Enter the Location/ Sub-Location, Exact Location, Responsible Function, Agency in auto complete text box. (Location/ Sub-Location, Responsible Function, Agency will be displayed automatically when first 3 characters are typed)
  3. If “Further Action Required” is selected as “Yes” then user need to add “Corrective & Preventive Actions” details. Click “Action to be Taken” button to add action item details and save.
  4. Click “Submit” button to save the data and send the observation report for review to “HOD” in case the report is submitted by any user.

Note :

  • Observation shall be reported by any Power users.
  • The fields marked with * are mandatory to be filled.